King's Fall

Revision as of 18:31, 4 October 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

King's Fall
Type Raid
Location Dreadnaught
Players 6
Tier 1 Level 42
Tier 2 Level  ??
Description  ???
See also: King's Fall Hard Mode

King's Fall is the 6 player raid in The Taken King expansion. In this raid players face Oryx and his minions on his ship, The Dreadnaught. King's Fall was released on September 18, 2015 10AM PDT, 3 days after the expansion.




  • Weapons of Light is always useful for DPS phases, and Saint 14 makes it even better
  • Sunbreaker would seem like a great orb generation tool


  • During boss phases Stormcaller can be extremely effective for clearing adds and making orbs, especially on the Ogre phase (stormcall the back area), and during the Daughters (adds in middle)
  • Sunsinger is a great tool for Oryx as it allows you to have the self-revive to prevent a wipe if your close to killing oryx and you don’t stagger him, or to self-revive if you die right before going to stagger him – but most importantly it’s great for orb generation for your fireteam


  • Sniper Rifles are the best choice for boss DPS across all encounters.
  • A fully upgraded Telesto is fantastic for the Warpriest as the delayed explosions cause him to not move and the range/spread/cone is more than enough to easily hit him.
  • Communicate – this is not a carryable activity like Crota's End, PoE, or Nightfall etc. This requires the most communication we have seen in the Destiny world to date. Mistakes are punished with great prejudice and successful communication is rewarded.
  • 290 Light for the first few parts and 300 Light for Oryx are recommended.


Opening The Portal

The first step is to pick up the orbs and place them in the first statue at the same time. When done correctly, two more will spawn, one to the far left and one to the far right.

At least two people need to be sent to retrieve the orbs on both sides and brought back to the middle. Barriers will be placed to slow you down. The non-orb carriers need to destroy them. Then, the orbs need to be placed in the next statue at the same time. Rinse and repeat. You have progressively less and less time each iteration.

There are a total of six statues. The best way we've found to do it is to split into two even groups of three, for retrieving the orbs on both sides.

Reward: Moldering Shard

Hive Ship Jumping

Jump from ship to ship to reach the other side.

Two Guardians must stay behind to shut down the force field, one on each plate on left and right.

When the other four Guardians are across, two Guardians can step on those plates, left and right, and allow the remaining two Guardians to board the Hive ship and come across.

Reward: Calcified Fragment XXIX

Basilica Gate

Split into two groups of three with even light levels across each group. One group goes left, one group goes right. It's fine to leave two people in middle to clear adds before joining their allies on the corresponding side.

Each side picks up a buff (an orb thingy) that shields anyone inside it from the constant damage in the side rooms. This lasts for 30 seconds upon which it will be passed to a nearby ally that does not have any stacks of Deathsinger's Power. The person that just lost the protective bubble will receive 10 stacks of Deathsinger's Power.

This person needs to run to the middle, and stand on the center plate until all their stacks are gone. Then, they need to return to their side. After a few iterations of this, the door will be fully charged and will open.

Reward: Calcified Fragment XXX

The Warpriest


Activating The Plates:

  • Once the Major Knights die, the corresponding plate is activated
  • There are three Knights, one for each plate
  • The Knights seem to spawn on a timer

Glyph Sequence:

  • The sequence is random
  • The sequence changes every wipe
  • The next plate in the sequence will be highlighted behind the corresponding tombstone with a glow or with a red pillar of light if the tombstone is missing

Brand of the Initiate:

  • This is a buff that grants you and your allies in close proximity the ability to damage the boss
  • Expires in 10 seconds
  • Killing adds resets the countdown timer
  • If the timer reaches zero, you die
  • Adds are limited, you need to space out killing them or you will die (kill at 2-3 seconds left)

The Oculus:

  • To survive this you need to be in the shadow of one of the tombstones
  • Any tombstones being used will be removed after this phase
  • It is critical your fireteam shares one tombstone or you will not beat the soft enrage


To start the encounter, simply step on all three plates, left, middle, and right.

The first step is the glyph sequence. This sequence is random every time you do it. However the light behind the tombstones will tell you which one to step on next. It helps to have someone calling these out. It will glow blue if it's next, or if the tombstone is missing, a red pillar of light will indicate it is next in the sequence.

Once you step on a plate, you can not get off it until the sequence is complete or the sequence will fail. Once you finish the sequence, one of the people stepping on the final plate will receive the buff Brand of the Initiate that will allow you, and any allies standing within a few yards the ability to damage the boss.

The person providing this buff needs to kill adds or he will die in 10 seconds. Killing adds resets the countdown timer.

When the boss summons the Oculus, you and your fireteam need to hide in the shadow of one of the tombstones. Your entire fireteam must be behind the same tombstone, because any tombstone you are hiding behind will be removed.

The tombstones are the soft enrage, if you don't kill the boss within 4 attempts, you will no longer have any tombstones to hide behind and your fireteam will die.

This means you must do at least 25% of his health every iteration.


Golgoroth's Cellar

Find your way through. The entire fireteam has to be at the door with the candles to proceed.

Reward: Calcified Fragment XXXI



  • After six deaths, all fireteam members are blinded and the fireteam will wipe
  • The orbs in the ceiling drop a pool that buffs damage against the boss by 10x
  • Shooting his back critical spot gets his gaze for 15 seconds
  • Failing to obtain his gaze spawns more adds


Separate the raid into two groups, two taunters and four damagers.

Start the encounter by destroying the orb in the center of the ceiling. When the boss spawns, begin by clearing all the adds in the room. The taunters will take turns holding his gaze by shooting the critical spot on his back. It seems to work best if one taunter goes left and one taunter goes right. Start with the orbs in the back of the room first, heading towards the front. Have the entire orb destroy one orb, and have that side's taunter get his gaze. The other taunter can shoot his legs/feet/body to get his attention.

The player that currently has Golgoroth's Gaze will be bombarded with orbs that cause massive damage. This player needs to shoot the orbs and stay alive. When the gaze buff is at 10 seconds or less, this player should count down the buff to zero. The other taunter should be busy destroying the next orb on the ceiling for the damagers to stand in. It takes almost the entire time to destroy this orb, so start early. Once the other taunter calls out around 2-3 seconds, shoot his back to gain his gaze and now you shoot the orbs to survive while the other taunter destroys the next orb in the ceiling.

The two taunters will be destroying orbs in a zig-zag motion. The damagers in the pit may need to destroy the orb in the ceiling if the taunter is unable to get it down in time. It's easiest to destroy the orbs if you have line of sight of the boss. If you don't, the orbs will curve around obstacles and be very hard to destroy. If you have line of sight, the orbs will come directly at you in a line. Also, the boss needs to be facing the damagers in the pit. The pools drop directly below the orb you destroy, so make sure the pool on the ground is between you and the boss.

In the meantime, the other four players are in the pit shooting the boss, hopping from pool to pool. Sniper rifles work best and do the most damage. Everyone should be aiming at his stomach. All four players can stand in the same buff pool. When it expires, or when the boss changes position, move on to the next one.

After the first orb in the ceiling is destroyed, and shortly before the second one is destroyed, Cursed Thralls will begin to spawn in the pit. It's usually best to assign your lowest light player to be on Thrall duty. It's critical that the Thralls are kept away from the other 3 players sitting in the pools. One getting too close will mean a wipe.

When the taunters are unable to continue holding his gaze, and adds begin to spawn, clear them and then repeat the process. The four damages need to be informed to get out of the middle at this point. Usually after the 6th orb is destroyed, or earlier if gaze failed to be captured.

We assigned our three lowest players to Thrall duty in pit, and the two taunters. You need your highest damage dealers in the pit shooting the boss at all times. Prefer players that have sniper rifles, they do considerably more damage. The biggest issue for taunters will be ammo. It's critical that every time adds spawn, they are topping up their primary ammo or it could mean a wipe. A good combo for this is a scout/sidearm. The taunters don't need a sniper rifle for this and a sidearm can destroy the orbs the boss shoots at you if you run out of primary.


Piston Jumping Puzzle

Reward: Calcified Fragment XXXII, Calcified Fragment XXXIII

Daughters of Oryx: Ir Halak and Ir Anuk


The Platforms:

  • There are four platforms to stand on
  • When stood on, they summon steps that only the dimension torn player can step on
  • The order they are stepped on is critical to the way the steps spawn
  • Stepping off any one of them destroys all steps

The Spark:

  • Randomly positioned above one of the four platforms in the room
  • Breaks one of the Deathsinger's shields when used (hold Square on PS, X on XB)
  • Grants a shield to the player who broke the Deathsinger's shield that blocks all Deathsinger damage to everyone inside. Also lets anyone inside survive the *Hymn being sung from the Deathsinger's

Torn Between Dimensions:

  • One player will be randomly chosen to be torn between dimensions
  • Only this player can jump on the steps summoned by the platforms
  • Only this player can grab the spark and dunk the Deathsinger's to remove the shield and gain the aura

The Deathsinger's:

  • Do not try to ever attack the Deathsinger that is covered in red flames
  • The right Deathsinger must be the first to die, but not the first to be attacked


Separate the raid so that each person has a corner and a platform to stand on. The dimension torn player can not be on a platform by him/herself. The last player is a floater, he/she will kill adds and replace any player and fill any role that is needed.

Locate the spark in the sky, see which platform it is above. Look counter-clockwise and that is the platform that needs to be stood on first. After that platform has been stepped on, continue stepping on platforms in a counter-clockwise fashion until all four are activated. Nobody can leave their platform until the dimension torn player has the spark.

Snipers will begin to spawn on the sides of the arena, one for each platform during this phase. It's critical they die as soon as possible. They are capable of two-shotting the dimension torn player which will most certainly cause a wipe. They have very little health and are taken down easily.

The dimension torn player should be at the first platform (the one counter-clockwise of the one the spark is above) ready to jump up with the player on that platform. Once the platforms start to appear, the dimension torn player can begin to jump from step to step until he reaches the spark.

Once the dimension torn player grabs the spark, everyone should run to the back left platform and hide behind it. The dimension torn player will then dunk the left Deathsinger, and run towards the raid at the back left platform. Everyone damages the boss here, being careful not to kill the Deathsinger and ensuring everyone is within the shield or they will die.

This process is repeated, switching off Deathsinger's until the right Deathsinger is dead. Then the left Deathsinger can be killed. It's usually best to save weapons of light and other buffs/cooldowns/rockets until the second Deathsinger so she can be killed in one run. If you're fighting the right Deathsinger next, everyone should be hiding behind the back right platform.


Oryx, The Taken King

Prior to the fight assign 4 players to a pillar, 1 as mobile DPS, and 1 as runner/jumper.

This fight takes place in the exact same place as the death singer fight you just completed, to get it to start, run towards the spark of light at the very front of the map. He will then pop up in front of you where the spark just was.

Adds will spawn in the corners of the map behind front left and front right platforms. A few Seconds later, taken knights will appear on the front left and front right Platforms. Call them out and kill them immediately.

Oryx will then shift to either the front left or right side. Whatever side he goes to is the first platform in the order. DPS Player who does not have a platform, should jump up on top of where the death singer was or roam around, and be a support player.

Oryx will slam his fist on the first platform, as soon as it hits (while fist still there), the runner should be ready jump on 1 as soon as the fist is leaving, call it out, there’s a small black light on platform 1, the jumper needs to absorb that to get torn between dimensions, the person on that platform will then join him on platform #1. Then 2 and 3 jump on their platform in order, calling it out each time.

When you jump on your platform an ogre will spawn next to it. The player across from you should cross fire to kill your ogre, and you kill his, so front left kills front right ogre, back left kills back right ogre and vice versa. Kill the ogres as the jumper makes his way towards the relic.

When the ogre dies he will drop a giant black orb called corrupted light, steer clear of those as you do not want to detonate those yet. Once the jumper has the relic he needs to call it out, jump down immediately and head to where the spark of light was that started the fight, a hive tomb ship will be flying in and dropping off an ultra-knight called the Vessel of Oryx.

As soon as it drops him off, dunk on him to steal his essence and move towards the middle of the map but cheating towards the side Oryx is on so you have line of sight on his chest. Stealing the essence grants you an aura of immortality, being inside your essence makes you invulnerable to everything.

Once you call out you have the relic and start making your way for the knight, everyone on a platform and the support player head up front to kill the knight as quickly as possible once the jumper steals his essence. Immediately head to the direct center of the map towards the essence holder. If done quickly enough, oryx will be slamming his hand on the same platform again; his chest will then open up.

Put everything you have into the spot in his chest. You have to make him stagger, if you do not, he will clap his hands together and you will all die (you can self-revive after to save a run if need be).

As soon as he's staggered, the 4 players responsible for platforms run out and stand in the corrupted light the ogres dropped, you have to stand in the one closest to the platform you were responsible for (DPS player is the backup in case any one dies), stand in it for a count of 5 (it will appear as an action on the lower left part of your screen) and haul ass back to the center to get inside the aura of immortality, if you do not make it in time you will die (a death here is fine as long as you detonate your orb).

Jumper with the essence, and the support player, while they are detonating the corrupted light, continue to shoot oryx in the chest. If done correctly, the corrupted light will detonate in oryxs chest and cause damage anywhere from 1/6 to 1/4 of his health. Continue shooting Oryx until he falls of the ledge (other players continue to shoot Oryx as soon as your back in the essence.

Once he falls off the ledge, run like hell.

Players responsible for platforms, go back to the Platform you were just on and run circles around it continuously, if you stop you will die, oryx is floating in the air shooting at you.

The DPS or runner should run back to where you guys first entered the area and run around in circles there on the stairs, the other DPS or runner stays in between front left and right and runs up and down the middle pathway, do not overlap running paths or you will get caught by his attack and die. You can also run circles in the front area where the taken spawn. *Call out when oryx flies closer and the orbs have stopped chasing you and grips onto the area again, you can all stop running around like madmen. Oryx will begin to move to a new platform. So everyone run and set up, jumper call out, "____ left/right is first" every time so players 1 through 3 know where they need to go. Make sure you know who is not needed and will be assisting DPS. Rinse and repeat.

After dodging his shit for a second time, for the 3rd run he will begin at any platform, so jumper be ready to call it out, and players 1-3 be ready to haul ass to your positions. Rinse and repeat.

Once he is below 50% health he will no longer shoot shit at you instead. Every move up front between left and right platform, a giant black blight will appear and the very front venter of the map, do not touch it. But kill the thrall that spawn in the corners. What oryx does is teleport you 1 by 1 into a different dimension where you have to defeat a Shade of Oryx in a certain period of time or you'll wipe. Killing the thrall on the outside will stop them from entering the blight which puts them in the dimension your teammates and yourself will be teleported to. Do not touch the blight. You will die.

Defeat the shade inside the dimension and you'll be teleported back to the map, rinse and repeat, he will teleport you every time in between runs now. A heavy machine gun is great for the shade. Also call out when the Shade is charging in to do the sword slam as someone just getting teleported in can be the victim. A good habit is to use your jump as soon as you get teleported. Another great callout for the shade is “1/4 left/right (pronounced quarter)” so people can quickly turn, or “180.”

After you land the final run and his health is extremely low or gone. He will appear at the front center of the map, and open his chest, drop weapons bubbles and fire void bows prior to his chest opening to be safe. 6 man team dps his crit spot, and he'll die and float away majestically towards saturn, a chest will appear near the middle, grab the loot.

Key notes for oryx fight: If you are having trouble damaging oryx before he claps his hands and you are wiping, try having your hunters of the team throw on golden gun and if they have it celestial nighthawk. Causes more damage and makes him flinch easier, be sure to alternate whose using the GG and/or generate orbs for your hunters. Orbs can be generated on the Ogres. Weapons bubbles also work but require precise placement and timing. GG is much easier. Also sometimes ogres will spawn late after you jump on your platforms, call it out, that's what the support/DPS player is there for.



See also: King's Fall Hard Mode#Loot


Cosmetic Items


 TypeDamage TypeAttackImpactRate of FireMagazineRangeStabilityReload
Anguish of Drystan (Year 2)Auto RiflesKinetic300-335287763215441
Defiance of YasminSniper RiflesArc300-33522264665741
Doom of ChelchisScout RiflesKinetic300-335483720484641
Elulim's FrenzyRocket LaunchersVoid300-3351825838
Midha's ReckoningFusion RiflesVoid300-335945412045
Qullim's TerminusMachine GunsSolar300-335536658156016
Silence of A'arnShotgunsSolar300-33561146134520
Smite of MerainPulse RiflesKinetic300-335146630416645
Zaouli's BaneHand CannonsKinetic300-335713211154216


Titan Armor

War Numen's BootsLeg Armor300-335
War Numen's ChestChest Armor300-335
War Numen's CrownHelmets300-335
War Numen's FistGauntlets300-335
War Numen's MarkTitan Marks300-335

Hunter Armor

Darkhollow ChitonChest Armor?
Darkhollow GraspsGauntlets?
Darkhollow MantleHunter Cloaks300-335
Darkhollow MaskHelmets?
Darkhollow TreadsLeg Armor?

Warlock Armor

Bond of the WormloreWarlock Bonds3072021
Chasm of YuulChest Armor?
Grasp of EirGauntlets?
Mouth of UrHelmets?
Path of XolLeg Armor?

King's Fall
Vault of GlassCrota's EndPrison of Elders*
Last modified on 4 October 2015, at 18:31