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Modifiers change the difficulty of a Story Mission, Strike or Arena.

Modifier Effect
Angry Minions of the Darkness won’t flinch, even after massive damage.
Arc Burn Arc damage from any source is increased by 300%.
Epic Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
Heroic Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
Juggler No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
Lightswitch Minions of the Darkness deal much more melee damage.
Nightfall If all players in your fireteam die, you will be returned to orbit.
Solar Burn Solar damage from any source is increased by 300%.
Void Burn Void damage from any source is increased by 300%.

Please note that in Heroic and Epic Modifiers, the entire encounters are changed. More and more powerful enemies become available. They even have smarter A.I. Nightfall is similar to hardcore mode in other games. As soon as your fireteam wipes, you are kicked out of the mission or strike.