Carnivore Match (Chest Armor)

Carnivore Match (Chest Armor)
Carnivore Match (Chest Armor)
Type Chest Armor
Class Hunter
Level 20
Item Level 60
Rarity Legendary
Defense 488-536
Light 36-42
Discipline 67-101
Strength 67-101
Intellect 67-101
Perk 1 Ascend
Perk 2 Auto Rifle Ammo, Pulse Rifle Ammo, Scout Rifle Ammo, Hand Cannon Ammo
Perk 3 Shotgun Ammo, Fusion Rifle Ammo, Sniper Rifle Ammo
Acquired by Purchased from Crucible Handler
Vendor Crucible Handler
Cost 75 Crucible Marks
Description Artificial myofibers regulate respiration and heartbeat—or pump coolant for Exo users.
Carnivore Match (Chest Armor) is a level 20 Legendary Hunter Chest Armor. It can be purchased from Crucible Handler for 75 Crucible Marks if the player is at least rank 2 with Crucible.


Perk 1:

Perk 2:

Perk 3:

Tips and Tricks


Last modified on 26 August 2015, at 05:17