Archon's Forge: Vandals

Archon's Forge: Vandals
Archon's Forge: Vandals
Type Iron Lord Bounty
Rarity Common
Task Complete Vandals encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Description The Devil Splicers have twisted the original purpose of the Archon's Forge. There is no honor here, only offering and violent judgment. Make an offering to incite Vandals in the Forge. Take them all out. The purity of the SIVA Offering impacts progress.
Experience 5000
Reputation 500
Reward  ???
Archon's Forge: Vandals is a Year 3 Weekly Iron Lord Bounty. The Bounty requires the player to Complete Vandals encounters in Archon's Forge.

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Last modified on 20 September 2016, at 00:54