An Iron Grip

Revision as of 22:32, 13 October 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

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An Iron Grip
An Iron Grip
Type Iron Banner Bounty
Task Participate in the capture of 15 Control zones in the Iron Banner tournament.
Description The battlefields of Iron are yours to take.
Experience 5000
Reputation 100

An Iron Grip is a Iron Banner Bounty available from the Iron Banner Vendor in The Tower. The Bounty requires the player to Participate in the capture of 15 Control zones in the Iron Banner tournament.

Tips and Tricks

Be sure to be there for the initial captures as they are an easy way to complete this bounty. Strategy One: Stay near initial side of map you spawn. Since teams usually switch sides throughout the duration of the game, enemies will spawn on your side. Wait until they neutralize your initial zone then capture it yourself by any means necessary.

Last modified on 13 October 2015, at 22:32