Shoulder Charge

Revision as of 13:40, 4 May 2017 by C4RN4G3H4CK3R (Talk | contribs)

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Shoulder Charge
Class Titan
Subclass Striker
Type Miscellaneous
Column 8
Prerequisite Unstoppable
Next Juggernaut
Description After sprinting for a short time, press R1 or RB to unleash a devastating melee attack.

Shoulder Charge is a Miscellaneous perk for Striker. After sprinting for at least 2 seconds, players can perform a powerful charge attack by pressing the melee attack button. You lunge up to 4 meters.

  • The attack count as Arc damage.

Players can sprint then jump before meleeing to perform a knee strike from air. Knee strike deals massive damage that will kill any enemy player in PvP. It also allows you to lunge up to 6 meters.

Tips and Tricks

Fist of HavocFlashbang GrenadeLiftLightning GrenadePulse GrenadeStorm Fist
AftermathAftershockAmplifyCatapultDeath from AboveDischargeHeadstrongIncreased ControlIncreased HeightJuggernautOverloadShockwaveShoulder ChargeTransfusionUnstoppable
Titan Codex ITitan Codex IITitan Codex IIITitan Codex IVTitan Codex VTitan Codex VI
Last modified on 4 May 2017, at 13:40