Vanguard Elite Bounties

See also: Vanguard Bounties and The Dawning

Daily Bounties

Arsenal of LightGet Super kills in SIVA Crisis Strikes to earn the respective Super kill medals for your subclass.250050
Called ShotsGet assists to earn "Concentrated Fire" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Demolitions ExpertGet grenade multikills to earn "Explosive Streak" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Heavy GatlingRapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Heavy Weapon to earn "Heavy Streak", "Heavy Spree", or "Heavy Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Look, No GhostComplete a Strike in the SIVA Crisis Playlist without dying to earn an "Indestructible" Medal.250050
Perpetual LightGenerate orbs of Light to earn "Cycle of Light" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Primary MasterRapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Primary Weapon to earn "Primary Streak", "Primary Spree", or "Primary Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
PugilistKill enemies with melee attacks to earn "Takedown" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Secondary FireRapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Special Weapon to earn "Special Streak", "Special Spree", or "Special Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Strike EfficientGet 150 kills in a SIVA Crisis Strike and complete the mission to earn a "Brutal Efficiency" Medal.250050
Tandem FireGet 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn "Fireteam Streak" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Vanguard Elite (Bounty)Complete Strikes in the SIVA Crisis Playlist to earn points.250050
Weapons ExpertGet 3 rapid kills with any weapon type to earn "Primary Streak", "Special Streak", or "Heavy Streak" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050
Weapons MasterGet 6 rapid kills with any weapon type to earn "Primary Spree", "Special Spree", or "Heavy Spree" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.250050

Weekly Bounties

Clean UpGet 150 enemy kills with your fireteam during a SIVA Crisis Strike to earn "Brutal Efficiency" Medals.10000200
Make a RainbowRapidly earn "Primary", "Special", and "Heavy Streak" Medals to earn "Rainbow" Medals.10000200
Merciless (Bounty)Get 9 rapid enemy kills to earn "Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.10000200
Simply PerfectComplete SIVA Crisis Strikes without any member of your fireteam dying to earn Flawless Medals.10000200
Strike EliteEarn "Gold Tier Achieved", "Silver Tier Achieved", or "Bronze Tier Achieved" Medals.10000200
SunriseEarn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.10000200
Last modified on 15 December 2016, at 01:47