The Speaker (Grimoire Card)

The Speaker (Grimoire Card)
The Speaker (Grimoire Card)
Category Allies
Subcategory Tower Allies
Acquired by Meeting The Speaker in Tower.
Grimoire Score 15
Stats Tracked Currency Spent
Description There has always been a Speaker, an anonymous high priest with a mysterious and powerful connection to the Traveler and its Ghosts. In all the centuries of the City's history, the Speaker's great work has never changed - to guide new Guardians, heal the Traveler, and raise our crippled protector from its slumber.

The Speaker is a Grimoire Card in the Allies category and Tower Allies subcategory. It can be obtained by meeting the The Speaker NPC in The Tower

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified on 18 September 2014, at 00:00