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The Wormwood
Acquired by Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor + , Nightfall +
Aim Assist 84 +
Attack 350 +
Cost 150 Legendary Marks +
Damage Type Void +
Equip Speed 64 +
Impact 12 +
Level 30 +
Magazine 12 +
Name The Wormwood +
Range 28 +
Rarity Legendary +
Rate of Fire 94 +
Recoil 97 +
Reload 87 +
Slot Special Weapons +
Stability 76 +
Type Sidearms +
Vendor Future War Cult Vendor +
Year 3 +
Zoom 12 +
Categories Weapons , Sidearms , Special Weapons , Legendary , Rise of Iron , Year 3 , Future War Cult Vendor , Nightfall
Modification date
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26 September 2016 18:24:35  +
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