Pro Riftball League (PMGT)

Pro Riftball League
Map Larger maps are best in my opinion, but it's personal preference.
Mood Super casual
Game Type Rift
Player Count 6-12 players
Additional Info Private Match Game Types


Melee and sword only - no supers, nades, or guns.



No vehicles

Each game (or round) should be fifteen minutes as a default - there are two full rounds in each Pro Riftball League game. That can be changed however, you want, though. On offense, one player is designated as a Runner game, the other players are his Blockers and Blitzers (Blockers stick close to the Runner and fight, Blitzers try to clear a path through the opposing team). On defense, the defending team's Runner is a flex player, filling whatever role he or she needs to. Blockers try to keep the opposing Runner from the Rift, Blitzers try to beat the crap out of the opposing Runner and his defenders.

How to Play:

Before the Spark arrives, all players form their lines of scrimmage, and the Runners approach the Spark. As soon as the spark arrives, the Runners melee or sword-hilt each other until one dies. Whoever survives has possession of the spark. The Runner with Possession then returns to his team's line, calls "Hike" and play resumes as normal.

If the Runner is killed before reaching the goal, he has been downed, and that is the end of the play. Both teams stop where the Runner died, and reform lines of scrimmage. The Runner then takes the Spark, advances to where his team is, and begins the second play. If the Runner is downed twice without scoring, that's a turnover, and the defending team gains possession. Both teams return to the center, the Runner with possession takes the Spark, calls "Hike", and begins the play.

The other players are allowed to pummel each other within reason. If your health is dropped to Absolute (read: almost dead), you are stunned for three seconds, and cannot move. If you kill another player, you receive a penalty and must wait fifteen seconds before being allowed to reenter the game. If you are killed by another player, sack up and fight better. The team with the most captures at the end of both rounds wins. In the event of a tie between rounds, a third round of five minutes is played as a tiebreaker, with Ward of Dawn, Arc Blade, and Radiance (with melee only) allowed by the defending team.


Notes and Ideas

Example of Play

Alpha and Bravo Teams (two teams of 6) line up by the Spark, and each team sends their Runner to fight over the spark. Bravo Runner wins the Spark, and returns to his team to begin the play, with Alpha Team on Defense.

Bravo Runner wants to make an aggressive run, so he has his Blockers form up in front of him, with his Blitzers fanning as far out as possible to cover him. Alpha Runner sees this and has his blockers fall back a ways, while he prepares to run to the Rift and protect it with his life. Bravo Runner calls "Hike," and his team begins to advance. Bravo Runner makes it halfway to the Rift before being annihilated by an Alpha Blitzer who got sneaky and slipped past Bravo's Blockers. The teams reform on Bravo Runner's corpse and get ready to try again.

This time, Bravo Runner barely makes it past where he died the first time before an Alpha Blitzer takes him out again, because his Blockers were too busy fighting Alpha's defense. Both teams return to the center for the turnover, and Alpha Runner takes the Spark to begin his team's play.

Last modified on 18 September 2016, at 15:48