
Type Emblem
Rarity Uncommon
Acquired by Purchased from Guardian Outfitter
Vendor Guardian Outfitter
Cost 610 Glimmer

Omolon is a uncommon emblem purchased from Guardian Outfitter for 610 Glimmer.

Omolon is also a weapons manufacturer.

Quote: The future is what we make it.

Omolon logo1.png

Design Pillars

Experimental, bordering on irresponsible

Powered by barely understood technology

A fusion of the mad scientist and product engineer of the new frontier

Hallmark is the liquid ammo displays and Omolon power cells

Omolon is the future returned

Tactical Analysis

Pioneers of energy weaponry, Omolon is the first foundry to experiment beyond the world of combustion ballistics. Sporting lighter ergonomic frames, Omolon weapons all start with generous base handling stats to build from. Omolon talent grids focus on behavioral perks over stat customization. Legendary talent grids are the only weapons that offer three perks: one as the first non-scope upgrade and two as a binary choice in the final column. Perk selection favors perks that are energy based and/or go beyond the weapon to interact with the wielder’s abilities or status.

Weapon Examples

Last modified on 16 September 2015, at 05:03