Guardian Outfitter (Grimoire Card)

Guardian Outfitter (Grimoire Card)
Guardian Outfitter (Grimoire Card)
Category Allies
Subcategory Tower Allies
Acquired by meeting Guardian Outfitter in The Tower
Grimoire Score 0
Stats Tracked Currency Spent
Quote Eva Levante
Description Eva Levante provided services to the Tower long before she actually took a place in it. Guardians would call for her work again and again, looking for marks of distinction, both new and old, and she began to craft emblems and shaders for the bold and discerning. These days she has set up shop in the Tower, taking quiet pride in the Guardians who train, fight, and fall under her signs.
Main article: Guardian Outfitter

Guardian Outfitter is a Grimoire Card in the Allies category and Tower Allies subcategory. It can be obtained by meeting Guardian Outfitter in The Tower.

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified on 17 September 2014, at 23:53