Templar Challenge Mode

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Revision as of 23:14, 4 April 2017 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

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See also: Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph)


Stop the templar from completing a teleport.


We achieved this by splitting up our group to have:

  • Immediately eliminate both oracles the templar spawns so no other oracles spawn so long as you do not let the templar teleport and regain his shield -1 relic runner blocking one of templar's teleports *2 guardians cleaning up adds and making orbs if possible -3 3 guardians DPSing the templar
  • as a side note if there was time the adds guardians also DPSed the templar.

Team Setup

  • 1 Hunter with tether
  • 1 Hunter with celestial nighthawk golden gun
  • 1 Warlock with self res and solar grenades
  • 3 Titans with various bubbles (weapons and blessings)

We had 1 person be relic holder (duh), 2 people on add control / generating orbs and such and 3 people DPSing the templar. The Add control people can shoot templar as well when they have a chance Our gun loadouts depended on the fight but for the 2 challenges it was mostly Sleeper simulants and high caliber snipes (mine had triple tap)