Taniks, the Scarred

β€˜β€˜He is a murderer...and very good at what he does.’’- Variks, the Loyal

Taniks, the Scarred is an infamous Fallen mercenary working for the House of Wolves, though he will hire himself out to any House. Taniks was responsible for breaking Aksor, Archon Priest out of the Prison of Elders, and for murdering Andal Brask. Taniks is known to graft technology onto himself from each of his exploits. He also craves combat, as he views his enemies as trophies and as such hones his combat skills for fun.

He and his Ketch, Kaliks-Syn, are found on the Moon. Unlike most Fallen commanders, he is armed with a Scorch Cannon, which he uses with devastating effect. With this weapon, he can effectively hold down an area at any range.


  • Taniks' cloak is orange and features an insignia not belonging to any known House. Whether it belongs to the House Taniks originates from, or is unique to Taniks himself, is unknown. It is also a random strike-exclusive Legendary drop for the hunter.
  • He's the fourth Fallen seen with eight orange eyes, and the first one to have his own unique model.
Last modified on 12 May 2016, at 22:05