Squad Racer (PMGT)

Squad Racer
Map Any map, preferably large ones with open pathways for Sparrows.
Mood Casual to Competitive
Game Type Elimination
Player Count 6-12
Additional Info Private Match Game Types



This mode is fairly simple, it's ideally a 6 v 6 Elimination in which each team is divided into 3 racers and 3 shooters (although any even split will work). The main responsibility that falls onto the players is to choose an agreeable map and route. This is something I intend to draw up on a variety of preferable maps in the near future.

To make the race compelling, and fair, the racers must choose from a 160 Speed "trick-variant" Sparrow. They are allowed to pick whatever colors they want, although I honestly recommend selecting team colors, or general color variants to make the teams more distinguished. The goal of the racers is to simply make it to the finish line first, while staying on course. First Place will award +4 points, Second Place will award +3 points, Third Place will award +2 points, Surviving the race will award +1 point, Dying during the race will count as -1 points. Going off course will disqualify players from a finishing score, but they can still earn survival points. The most points at the end of the race wins.

As for the shooters, they will be allowed to use No Land Beyond as well as one of the listed grenades: Storm Grenade (Warlock), Flashbang Grenade (Titan), Tripmine Grenade (Hunter). These can be thrown onto the race track to act as obstacles / traps. Shooters will collectively select a specific point on the map to shoot from, and they cannot leave that area. In the near future, I hope to draw up some preferred shooting locations to provide a more balanced approach. Shooters are allowed to shoot at the racers, but not at other Shooters. Shooters goal is to kill enemy racers, or slow / disable their Sparrow from reaching the finish line.


Notes and Ideas

Last modified on 18 September 2016, at 15:48