How To Maximize Fusion Rifle Consistency

Revision as of 07:04, 3 May 2017 by Bnxodesk (Talk | contribs) (Introduction)

How To Maximize Fusion Rifle Consistency - Illustrating Range, Aim Assist, and Bolt Magnetism


Previously, I had shared some observations regarding fusion rifle damage falloff and bolt speed. Those posts were far from conclusive, however, and the jury is still out on what exactly the Range stat does for fusions. After reading an informative post by /u/SevenMillion5, this comment by /u/ch4_meleon_, and the Massive Breakdown of Range, Accuracy, Aim Assist, and Stability by /u/Mercules904, I became determined to explore the question further. Analysis thus far has usually involved wall tests and lacked the presence of an actual Guardian target. This time I set out to observe fusion rifles as they behave with a target in front of them.

In this analysis, I look at aim assist and bolt magnetism related to fusion rifle range. I also take a closer look at accuracy-enhancing perks like Hip Fire, Hot Swap, and Eye of the Storm as they relate to fusion rifles. This guide really contains no advice that hasn’t been stated elsewhere, but I hope to illustrate why we do the things that we do, and provide a clear picture for what to look for in a fusion rifle.

Examining the Fusion Rifle Reticle

Accuracy Perks & Fusion Rifles

Stats Summary

Demonstrating Bolt Magnetism

Maximizing Consistency

Final Recommendations

Last modified on 3 May 2017, at 07:04