In-depth Guide on Activating Monitors and Canisters

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  1. Clear the server farm room of ads
  2. Identify the monitors of the far right and far left in the room.
    1. right side will have a red siva symbol on the wall
    2. left side will not.
  3. assign two members of your fireteam the role of "Translators" and send them to the monitors, one to the right side and one to the left. have them stand by till step 9.
  4. the remaining four will be "Jumpers." The jumpers go to the far back right to exit to the canister room.
  5. assign each Jumper a quadrant, 0, 1, 2, & 3; entering the room the quadrants are laid out left to right, counter clock wise. Each jumper will stand on the catwalk looking out over the [at their] platforms.
  6. Jumpers, familiarize yourself with the layout of your section's canisters. Use this map source reddit, creator unknown.
    1. each column is assigned a number, the order in which your columns are numbered appears to depend on which quadrant you're standing in. For some it will be right to left for others it will be left to right.
    2. Look at the signs at the end of your platform to identify where 0 starts, and then note where ends: either 0 - 5 or 0 - 4 depending on the quadrant you're in.
    3. Also, notice that your rows are not numbered. you have six rows, 0 through 5, where 0 is the closest to you and 5 is the furthest.
    4. also notice that you won't have a perfect grid; e.g. Quadrant 0, column 0, 0 or Quadrant 3, column 4, row 3 does not exist.
  7. Once the Jumpers are familiar with their sections, it's time to start the chain. Jumpers will jump to a certain canister in their quadrant as shown on this map, source reddit creator unknown.
    1. Quadrant 0 should activate column 2, row 2 (2, 2)
    2. Quadrant 1 activates column 1 row 2 (1, 2)
    3. Quadrant 2 activates column 4 row 1 (4, 1)
    4. Quadrant 3 activates column 3 row 5 (3, 5)
  8. Shortly after all jumpers are on their canisters, a sound will be heard and the monitor activation can start.
  9. Translators must familiarize themselves with the below chart. The translator must be able to see one of the six binary numbers and easily say the decimal number it is equal to. (there are only 6 numbers, 0 through 5) so not hard to learn.
  10. once translators are ready, the translator on the monitor on the right should activate his or her monitor and Say "Column 1" or Column 0 etc... depending on what it is.
  11. The Translator on the left side should see his monitor flash with a number, translate it, and then call out "Row ___"
  12. The person in quadrant 00 (since this is the first activation) needs to jump to that column and row. Be mindful to do it quickly as you've little time to spare. 2-4 seconds will pass. the canister should light up and then the monitors will flash again with new numbers.
  13. Repeat steps 10 through 12, for quadrants 1, 2, & 3. so the diamond cube in the center of the room will open.
  14. Profit!
  • If at any time, the monitors flash and reset to 0000, the jumpers took too long. You'll need to reset the sequencing.
  • To reset, the jumpers need to go back on their catwalks until the translators see "activate monitors". Then follow steps 10-13 with quad 0.
  • I've heard some people say that it doesn't matter which monitor gets activated first, right translator is always column, left is row, we just wanted to be consistent.
  • Here's the binary to decimal chart. it's easier to memorize it and call out numbers than call out binary. remember there are only two numbers in binary, 0 and 1, the combination of 0's and 1's represent the decimal number
Monitor Number
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
  • If you're struggling on this part, [you may find it easier to] ignore the zeros on the left side of the one and think 0=0, 1=1, 10=2, 11=3, 100=4, 101=5
Last modified on 1 October 2016, at 04:42